We wanted to do more and make an impact on as many as God would allow us. After a lot prayer we felt that God wanted us to open a school and orphanage in the poorest village in the poorest country in the hemisphere. But how would we do it? God has been guiding us the whole way and showing us how to do it.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Your support of $30 per month will allow us to provide a place for a child to grow and learn in a safe environment. This will allow them
to attend. The Heart of Love School. Your sponsorship will pay for tuition, uniform, and lunch.
Your support of $100 per month will allow us to provide a place for a child to grow and learn
in a safe environment. Your sponsorship will allow them to attend The Heart of Love School. It will pay for their tuition, uniform, and lunch. It will also pay for their expenses in the House of Hope Orphanage.
Your support of $200 per month will be used to pay for the house parent so that they may care for and love our children.
Haiti is located on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. It shares a border with the Dominican Republic. With over 10.6 million people, it is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. With a history of civil unrest, brutal dictators and, epic natural disasters, it is a country with a weak infrastructure robbed of natural resources. The culture is rich in art, music, and food. There are pockets of luxury tourist accommodations – which are a stark contrast from the country’s capital Port-au-Prince. Haiti is party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Inter country Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention). Adoption in Haiti has become increasingly prevalent. As a result, the country’s adoption standards and guidelines have been in a rapid state of change to protect the well being of Haitian children. As of 2014, the country has been a part of the Hague Adoption Convention, and as adoptions became more common. Therefore, all inter-country adoptions between Haiti and the United States must meet the requirements of the Convention and U.S. law implementing the Convention. Haitian adoptions are conducted through a collaborative effort of a Hague accredited adoption agency in the U.S. and by the Haitian Central Adoption Authority (IBESR}
The Haitian government established the requirements for adoptive families. Haiti will allow single women between the age of 30 and 50 to adopt, although in some circumstances single women who are at least 35 years old may be accepted. Married couples are accepted but must be between the ages of 30 and 50 and must have been married for at least 5 years. There is no limit to the number of children already in the home. However, Haiti will give precedence to couples with no biological children.
Much of the timeline will depend on you as the adopting family. You must gather the documents required by the Haitian government for an adoption, you must obtain a completed home study and you must submit paperwork to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service in order to go forward with the adoption process. All of this takes time. Once you as the adopting parents have the documents needed to begin the process in Haiti, these documents are submitted to the Haitian government and the adoption process begins. It can take as long as 24 months to complete the adoption once the paperwork is submitted to Haiti. Please check with our office for the current timeline for the process.
Two trips to Haiti are required as part of the adoption process. Upon receiving a referral, you will be invited by IBESR to travel to Haiti to meet your child. You will spend two weeks in Haiti bonding with your child. A social worker from IBESR will supervise your visit. After the adoption has been finalized, at least one parent must travel to Haiti for a consulate appointment and to bring the child to the US. The second trip will last for a week.
The children are of African descent and are a beautiful race. There are a few children with mixed heritage, but most children have dark skin, black hair and beautiful brown eyes. Most available children are under the age of 3 years, but there are also older children and sibling groups available. The children reside in orphanages and often times are well cared for. Many orphanages have a caretaker to child ratio of 6 children to each caretaker.
A family will apply to Wasatch and indicate the gender and age of child they wish to adopt, Wasatch will approve their application if they have space available in their program due to the child placing quota placed on each agency by the Haitian government. Once approved by our agency the family will prepare a home study and a dossier, once the dossier is completed, the agency rep will write a cover letter to the dossier requesting the age and gender of child the family wishes to adopt, our agency will also request that the child come from one of our partner orphanages. The dossier will be submitted to IBESR, once the dossier/family is approved by IBESR a child will be matched to the family. Information on the child will be sent to the family, photos, social history and medical exams. The family will have 14 days to submit a letter to IBESR letting them know that they either accept the referral or not. The family will then make arrangements through the agency to travel to Haiti for two weeks to meet and bond with their child.
Fees Item Cost*Application Fee$1,000 Document Handling Fee/Foreign Courier Fee $500*Program Fee $4,500*Home Study Review (for out of state clients) $250*Placement Fee $3000*Post Placement Fee $1300 (Utah clients) or $800 (out of state clients)**First Child Foreign Fee $13,000-15,000 (depending on orphanage)**Second Child Foreign Fee $13,000 -$16,500 (depending on orphanage)**DNA Testing $500-1,000 (charged only if requested by DHS in Haiti.)Home Study (Utah) $1500 Home Study (Out of State)Varies form State to State Filing of USCIS paperwork $775 Fingerprinting$85/person Authentication of documents $500***Translation of dossier $400***MMPI Psychological Exam $150-$250 depending on your doctor.Ground Transportation$150 ***Food/Lodging in Haiti$150/day ***Flights$500-$800/person Passport for child $50 Embassy Medical Exam$125 Visa for child $325 FedEx Fees
Maintenance and Oversight Fee: The Federal accrediting agency requires that all adoptive parents pay a $500 per child maintenance and oversight fee.