To help so many that have so little
We believe that God loved us so much that he sent his one and only son to die on the cross to cover for our sins. We believe that on the third day he rose again and was seen by his disciples. We also believe that no one comes to the Father without a belief in Jesus Christ.
Please know that this site and all of the sales, events, and programs within it are for the sole purpose of raising money for Mission and Outreach here locally and around the world. The is a non for profit company that has no administrative over head.
Samantha and I, both coming to a saving relationship with Christ later in life, were still learning what it meant to truly have a "heart for God" when we decided to participated in our first "high- impact" Mission Trip to Nicaragua. It was on that trip that we first understood the critical sense of urgency to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to unreached people groups. It was also on this first trip, as we ministered to the poorest people that we had ever encountered, that we knew in our hearts that we needed to do something more to find a way to help more people reach out in ministry through Mission work.
Rick and Samantha Reed
Our first Mission Trip to Nicaragua