Spending time and money on mission trips can seem silly when we can just as easily share the gospel right where we are. And it’s true that, regardless of location, followers of Christ should strive to live as his ambassadors, leading lives of continual testimony. Nevertheless, this doesn’t discount the unique value of short-term trips, for they serve as a powerful means of fueling evangelistic passion and empowering believers to live on mission.
Short-term mission trips have unique value to both the long-term missionaries they support and the churches that take them. When executed with excellence in cooperation with long-term missions strategies, they can provide significant support and impetus to missionary work. In addition, they serve as a powerful means of fueling evangelistic passion and empowering believers to live on mission. J.D. Greear
Feb. 15-21 Men's Trip
June 26-July 1 Open trip $900
July 3-8 Medical Trip $900
September 24-29 Bible Days $900
December 11-16 Christmas in NIca $1000
December 17-22 Christmas in NIca $1000
The celebration will include:
· Medical Clinic · Street Witness ·Dry Feeding · Christmas Shoe Boxes for all students · Bibles and supplies · Christmas Party
Week 1 Cost = $1,100.00 / Week 2 Cost = $1,100.00 (both prices include airfare.
Cost includes: airfare, room & board, translators, security and ground transportation in Haiti or Nicaragua Not included: passport, immunizations, gifts & incidentals.
For more information contact info@thevine.co
You can meet and pray with the student that you sponsor
Help us provide basic health care to the students and their families.
Christmas in Nica Gift Lists (pdf)
Check out this great video